Hi, my name is Rebecca and I run this site. :) I wasn't going to, originally. I run another
site already and I barely have enough time as it is. I considered making one about a year back, when Mel Pierson uploaded
many episodes of the show. Back then, my other site was just getting on it's feet, so I decided not to start another. I really
wanted to wait around and see if someone else would make a tribute to the show, but I haven't found one yet. I gave up and
made one myself. :D
How I came to love Adventures in Wonderland ... well, it must've happened when the show first aired in '91, and I was about
three years old at the time, too young to recall exactly. I do remember the show in blurs, and always wondered what had happened
to it later on. I often wondered if I'd just dreamt it up.
Upon getting a tape of it off Amazon.com, I remembered the series very well. Especially the intro - that was the most memorable
in my mind. The episode I remembered most was the one I'd gotten on tape a while back, "Off the Cuffs". I found it hysterical
that they were cuffed to one another and it's one episode that stuck out clearly in my mind. :)
Anyways, I hope you all appreciate the site and be sure to sign the guestbook!! :D
~ Rebecca
~ Linkage ~
I'm more private when it comes to facebook (because that's basically stalker paradise lol) but if you own a myspace, feel
free to add me! :D Just let me know where you're coming from (i.e.- AiW website)
Adventures in Wonderland is (C) Disney The graphics were made by SeltzerAddict and can only
be used with permission.
Much of the screenshots were obtained from the AiW Myspace page
Song files were contributed by Lauren