
If you have any fanfictions to submit, send them to (Be sure to put Adventures in Wonderland in the subject!!)


Tea Quiero
Summary: Alice hasn't been to Wonderland in a decade and it has become a faded figment of a past Alice isn’t even sure she remembers. But what happens when she goes back? Wonderland seems the same, but something has changed... And she has too. Hatter/Alice.

Summary: The Mad Hatter has been reading up on Christmas traditions in Alice's world, and he's determined to prove himself worthy of a satisfying gift. Will he succeed? Alice is 23 in this. Slight Hatter/Hare, Mad Hatter/Older!Alice. One-shot.

Wonderland Christmas Visit
Summary: Visit From St. Nick..." Wonderland-ified. What happens when the White Rabbit discovers the jolly old elf?


The Summet of Giving
Summary: When Alice goes on a search for the perfect birthday gift for the Queen, she learns that it's the thought that counts.

The Greatest Treasure
Summary: While on a treasure hunt in Wonderland, Alice discovers the greatest treasure of all isn’t something you can win-but something she has had all along.

Molly in Wonderland
Summary: Megan's little sister, Molly, goes to Wonderland by mistake. What will her adventure be like?

Adventures in Wonderland is (C) Disney
The graphics were made by SeltzerAddict and can only be used with permission.
Much of the screenshots were obtained from the AiW Myspace page
Song files were contributed by Lauren