The White Rabbit

The White Rabbit is often found zooming around on his roller-blades, attending to whatever task the queen has assigned him. He is the Red Queen's assistant and is very nervous and easily startled when her Majesty shouts. Of all the Wonderlandians, he is the most civilized, understanding, and logical one of the bunch.

The White Rabbit is played by actor Patrick Richwood

(when Queen is going around clucking after being hypnotized)
"Very very funny your hen-ness, uh your highness!" *whispers* "Please stop! Please stop!" *shouts* "Oh your majesty! Stop making a fool out of yourseehhhllf!" (Queen stops clucking)
"Rabbit! Get out of here! I'm on TV! Out! Out!"

"You handed my book over to hairy apes?"

Patrick Richwood on IMDB
Mariah's interview w/ Patrick Richwood

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"No Laughing Matter"

Adventures in Wonderland is (C) Disney
The graphics were made by SeltzerAddict and can only be used with permission.
Much of the screenshots were obtained from the AiW Myspace page
Song files were contributed by Lauren